Norman Groot

Mr. Groot is one of Canada’s top legal experts on Privacy and Canada’s federal legislation PIPEDA. He represented several industry associations in the successful quest at the onset of this Bill for Investigative Body Status, including the Canadian Association of Private Investigators.

Based on his police experience and his experience thereafter as a litigator, Norman has joined forces with other lawyers with police experience and created the law firm Investigation Counsel Professional Corporation.

Norman’s practice is focused on fraud recovery litigation for retailers, insurers, private companies and individuals who have incurred losses to rogue employees, officers or directors, or due to failed investments or contractual arrangements with ill intentioned third party service providers or others. Norman also provides Independent Supervising Solicitor (ISS) services for other law firms that obtain Anton Piller orders (civil search warrants). Norman practice also consists of representing police and private sector investigators in criminal, civil, and regulatory actions.

Norman is counsel to the Canadian Association of Special Investigation Units, the Canadian Independent Adjusters Association and the Canadian Association of Private Investigators on fraud and investigation matters, and on the board of directors of the Association of Certified Forensic Investigators of Canada.

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